Root Chakra Ritual
- Start diffusing Root Chakra Essential Oil Blend in a diffuser near the bath.
- Bath. Ritual: Fill up the tub with warm water and add 3-4 tablespoons of Tranquility Bath Salts. Step into bath and dunk head. Take deep breaths – inhale and exhale from your nose.
- Chant/Listen to music- While in the bath use a powerful mantra – Om / Ham/ Ham-Sa / any other chant or mantra that resonates with you. If you do not want to chant then you can simply listen to music.
- Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes – while slowing down your breath. Try to inhale slowly and exhale longer than usual. With each and every, inhale feel your tailbone stretching down and connecting to Mother Earth. With every exhalation imagine all your pain, worries, anxiety traveling down to your feet, and then releasing into the water.

- After getting out of the bath – take some Root Chakra Body Oil and rub it in between your palms. Bring your palms close to your nose and inhale and exhale gently – 3-5 breaths.
- Apply the body oil on slightly damp skin all over your body, noticing and gently massaging the parts that seem tender. Make sure you are paying attention to any changes in your breath when you are applying the oil.
- Gratitude- when you finish please thank yourself and everything that has helped you to relax and heal you in the last 30 minutes.
- Diffuse the Root chakra Essential Oil Blend overnight or through out the day.